3.1 Subjects Thesubjects are the fourth-year students of Foreign Language School of Yuxi NormalUniversity. The subjects are 90 students who have been from Class A, Class Band Class C. They all major in English. They have been learning English for aperiod of 9 or 10 years. The students have very different proficiency levels,yet they share one thing in common. That is the instruction in English thatthey received in their middle schools put far too much emphasis on grammar. http://www.paper51.com 3.2 ResearchInstruments copyright paper51.com Twokinds of instruments have been applied in this study. They are interview and questionnaire. http://www.paper51.com 3.3Questionnaire Design 内容来自www.paper51.com A questionnaire(Appendix A) entitles “Personal Evaluation Sheet: Working in a Group.” Thereare 15 statements. They are answered by these 90 students. The questionnaire ismainly used to survey the effects that group work brings about to learners uponEFL learning from psychological perspective, social perspective and culturalperspective. 内容来自www.paper51.com These15 statements are given from 3 perspectives, the psychological perspective, thesocial perspective and the cultural perspective. Statement 2, 4, 6, 12, 13 are relatedto the psychological perspective; statement 1, 3, 5, 7, 8 are related to thesocial perspective; statement 9, 10, 11, 14, 15 are related to the culturalperspective. The answers and judgments range in five levels, from the degree ofstrongly approval to that of strongly disapproval. copyright paper51.com Insuch a small-scale study, it is too difficult to control all the variableswhich bring possible effects to EFL learners. However, the imperfection couldnot obstruct the possibilities for English teachers to carry out group work. 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com 3.4 Interview paper51.com
Twentystudents of three classes are chosen at random to be interviewed. Interview isused to investigate students’ attitude toward group work and the influence ofgroup work on students. Interview is carried out in free talk with studentsduring the break of 10 minutes rest time of the class. The interview questions(Appendix B) are: 内容来自www.paper51.com 1. Pleasetalk your attitude toward group work. paper51.com 2. Pleasetalk something about influence of group work on you. 内容来自www.paper51.com |