(TLTR) Dropping of the family name is quite usual but it alsodepends on the intimacy and solidarity between the S and H. In an equal statussituation, like between colleagues or classmates, when others address them,they would prefer to be addressed by their given name. It draws the S closer tothe H and requesting suggestions from an intimate friend seems reasonable. Ofcourse, the H will be happy to offer S some suggestions. The questionnaire byXinhuannet.com shows that 66% of Chinese people are happy to hear othersaddress them in this way when there is equal social status between the H and Sor the S is a superior. copyright paper51.com 4.1.4 No Address Term paper51.com Example 6: One guy is showing his newly decorated house tohis friend. paper51.com “Yi jiaren bu shuoliang jiahua, hao kan hai shi bu hao kan?” paper51.com (People from the same family will always be honest with eachother. Is my house beautiful or not?) 内容来自www.paper51.com Example 7: Onegirl is asking her friend’s opinion on her plan for a trip. 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com
“Yi ju hua,wo de ji hua hao haishi bu hao?” paper51.com (In one sentence, is my plan okay or not?) paper51.com (TLTR) paper51.com The two examples above take place between intimate friends. InChinese, it is possible for the intimate friends to drop the address terms.This can be explained by the belief held by socio-linguists that solidarity ismore important than politeness. On the other hand, it is considered rude forstrangers or people who do not share an intimate relationship to drop addressterms. In the example below, the two women are colleagues; therefore theaddress term is not dropped. http://www.paper51.com
Example 8: One girl is asking her colleague’s opinions on hernew project. http://www.paper51.com “Wang jie, zheshi wo de xin ji hua,ni jue de zen me yang?” 内容来自www.paper51.com (Sister Wang, this is my new project. What do you think of it?) 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com Such an example normally occurs if the S shares an ordinaryrelationship with the H. paper51.com
4.2 Maintaining Each Other’s Face paper51.com
Brown and Levinson’s face theory contains three basicnotions: face, face threatening acts (FTAs) andpoliteness strategies. Their definition of negative face is “the want of every‘competent adult member’ that his action be unimpeded by others.” They define positiveface as “the want of every member that his wants be desirable to at least someothers”(1978:276). paper51.com
Everyone has face needs or basic wants, and people generallycooperate in maintaining each other’s face and partially satisfying eachother’s face needs. If someone loses face, they areshamed. They lose self-respect and other people’s opinion of them decreases. ForChinese people, it is the worst thing to lose face. 内容来自www.paper51.com |