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1.2 Function of Questioning

ZhuXi said in the Song Dynasty, trusting students should learn to doubt whatothers say and skeptical students should get rid of their doubts (杨国全, 2001). In fact, the procedure of learninga course goes more from raising a question to analyzing a question to solving aquestion (raising a question→analyzing a question→solving a question). Good questioning can lead the students to discoverthe new information that is to be taught, then obtain knowledge, and form thehabit and ability of pondering problems. The more experience a teacher has atusing questioning in the classroom, the more able the teacher is to lead to asuccessful lesson. 内容来自www.paper51.com

Themain functions of questioning are: (a) Concentrate student’s attention andstimulate their interests. Using questioning in classroom teaching can wake upstudent’s curiosity. It can concentrate their psychological activities on oneview or idea. It will also put stress on the enlightening of student’s activethoughts. Usually, teachers use questioning to keep classroom order. (b) Havestudents think about a topic. Questioning can lead student’s course of thought,broaden their thought, and improve their level. (c) Teachers can collectfeedback information through questioning and answering, and then check itagainst the teaching goal. Based on the questions and answers from thestudents, the teacher will adjust her teaching to have a successful teachingresult. (d) In the classroom, questioning can give students the opportunity toexpress themselves. It encourages student’s enthusiasm and improves student’sability of expression. (e) Questioning is an incentive activity in-grouplearning. It motivates the students to learn so that they can respondcorrectly. It is a favorable condition of improving the student’s level andinspiring their thought. 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com
