2.3 Definition of Terms InS.Pit Corder’s seminal paper “The significance of learners’ errors” (1967), hemade five crucial points: 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com “(i) We should look for parallels between L1 and L2 learning,since these are governed by the same underlying mechanisms, procedures andstrategies. http://www.paper51.com
(ii) Errors are evidence of the learners’ in-built syllabus,or of what they have taken in, rather than what teachers think they have putin: intake should not be equated with input. copyright paper51.com (iii) Errors show that L1 and L2 learners both develop anindependent system of language, ‘although it is neither the adult system ……northat of the second language’, but is evidence of a ‘transitional competence’. http://www.paper51.com (iv) Errors should be distinguished from mistakes 内容来自www.paper51.com
(v) Errors are significant in three aspects: they tell theteacher what needs to be taught; they tell the researcher how learning proceeds;and they are a means whereby learners test their hypotheses about the L2.” http://www.paper51.com 3. Research Methodology copyright paper51.com 3.1The Population and Subjects 内容来自www.paper51.com In this paper, the population was thestudents in grade 1 in high school of Pu’er, enrolled in the 2008academic year. There are 2 classes, 59 students distribute in differentclasses. 59 students were chosen as subjects, who had been chosen randomly fromtwo classes: Class 1 (32 students), Class 2 (27 students). The researcher hopedthat the participants who came from different classes would more accuratelyreflect the general situation and provide more reliable information. http://www.paper51.com |