Secondly,encouraging students to chat in English no matter in class or outside classroomis also an important way to create English learning atmosphere. Speaking is avery important skill to be developed in English learning. But it can beimproved only by practicing. If one seldom speaks, he or she can hardly speakwell. So chatting is a good method of accelerating speaking ability. Studentsshould chat with others in English in daily life or go to the English corner atfree time. Teachers can adopt different methods to encourage and initiatestudents’ chatting, for example, assign a topic or a task, or give someeveryday and useful expressions to help students develop their ownconversation. 内容来自论文无忧网
4.4.2 Design Suitable Speaking Tasks
Speakingis a skill, just like swimming, driving a car, or cooking. No one can swim ordrive or cook simply by memorizing the rules. In other words, one can onlyimprove speaking by speaking more. Therefore, the teacher should designsuitable speaking tasks for students. Wang Qiang (2006:161) points out, “It isthe teachers’ task to design meaningful, motivating, linguistically appropriateand cognitively challenging tasks to give students maximum opportunities topractise speaking”. It means that when we design speaking tasks, one importantconsideration is the language proficiency level of the students. If we ask themto do task that are above their level, they may become frustrated anddemotivated.
Inaddition, cultivating classroom atmosphere is an effective way to encouragestudents to speak. In general, good classroom atmosphere should be harmonious,less anxious, active, and motivating, so that learners may feel relaxed, secureand greatly motivated and can achieve greater success. Therefore, the teacherplays an important role in this part. In order to create less anxiousatmosphere, teachers’ attitude towards the learners’ errors is very essential.Teachers should adopt an attitude that error is an indispensable part of thelearning process and that everyone may make mistakes. copyright 4.4.3 Adopt the Student-Centered Teaching Model The center of the classroom is thestudents, we teach what they need and what they do not know. It is the teacher’sjob to create more opportunity for students to make learning happen in theclassroom. Adopting the student-centered teaching model and providing as manyopportunities as possible for students to communication are necessity. Teachersshould encourage students to get over self-anxiety. The trick in teachingspeaking is to provide a chance for students to speak and make them speak.Although the teacher’s talk can be good models and useful input, it does notmean the teacher should talk all the time in class. In the traditional languageclassroom, both teachers and students have paid great attention to learning grammarand vocabulary but not enough time to be given to meaningful practice and the useof language communication. So, sometimes, students’ problem is not having nothingto say but lack of the opportunity to say. Therefore, designing speakingactivities that maximize students’ opportunity to speak is one of the centraltasks for language teachers. Teachers can design some activities, such as a role-play,a drama play, and an interview to give students holistic and realistic input.In these activities, pair-work and group-work are required because they createmore opportunity for students to speak. 内容来自 |