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摘  要 内容来自www.paper51.com

欧.亨利是美国二十世纪初期最著名的短篇小说家之一。本文通过分析欧.亨利的代表作品《警察与赞美诗》和《麦琪的礼物》总结出他独特的创作艺术技巧:幽默与讽刺、明暗线并进、奇巧的情节和悲剧性主题、遣词得当、人物刻画准确以及出乎意料但合情合理的结尾。 http://www.paper51.com

关键词:欧.亨利;短篇小说;艺术技巧 http://www.paper51.com

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独创性声明... i http://www.paper51.com

Acknowledgments. ii


Abstract iii

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摘  要... iv paper51.com

I. Introduction. 1 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

II. O. Henry’sworks and artistic techniques. 3

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A.The Cop and the Anthem.. 3

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B.The Gift of the Magi 8


III. Conclusion. 10

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References. 11

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I.Introduction 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

O.Henry was one of the most famous realistic writers in the early twenty centuries.O. Henry was born in South Carolina of America on September11th, 1862. His original name was William Sydney Porter. His fatherwas a doctor and his mother died when he was only three years old. He wasraised by his grandmother and aunt. Young Porter was interested in readingliterary works. Writing would later become more important in his life. Becauseof his poor situation, he had to leave school and be an apprentice in his uncle’sdrug store. Two years later, he gained the license of a pharmacist. Thisexperience of apprentice became his first window to see the society and thelife. At the age of twenty, he had to go to a ranch in Texasas a shepherd because of his poor health. Vast prairie and unconstrainedlife of a shepherd had effects on his creation of the western stories. In1884, he moved to Houston, where he did a number of jobs, including that of abank clerk. In 1887 he married Athol Estes. They had one daughter and one son. Unfortunately,his son died young. In 1889, Athol was ill and his daughter (Margaret) nearlybecame the only hope of Porter’s life. In 1894, he started a humorous weekly TheRolling Stone. For lack of money, it only ran one year. In the same year,money was found missing in the bank where he was working as a bank teller.Luckily, the court turned a blind eye to this event and did not investigate.When the weekly failed, he joined the Houston Post where he published humorousstories and interesting episodes as a columnist.


 In 1896,the federal bank inquired into the case. Thus Porter was summonsed. He wascalled back to Austin to stand trial, but Porter fled to Honduras. Since then,he experienced different sorts of great hardships and thrills. He had no placeto live in and no food to eat. He struggled to get away from a hell on earth.He worked as a coolie as well as a swindler and made friends with robbers. Fromthese experiences, Porter drew his inspiration to write Latin American androbbery stories.


On hearing the news that his wife was dying, hereturned to Austin in 1897. In 1898, he was convicted of embezzling money, andwas put into prison at Columbus, Ohio. Prison was aturn in his life. While in prison, he met many criminals from differentplaces and heard many fantastic stories. He began to understand the misery oflower stratum deeply. Columbus prison experienceoffered Porter firsthand material and archetypes for his stories.

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Having a license of pharmacist, he was assigned towork in the prison pharmacy. At this job, he could arrange time by himself.Porter started to write short stories to earn money to support his daughter,Margaret. After three years in prison, he was set free in 1901. Porter moved toNew York City in 1902. He changed his name to O. Henry and began his literarycareer. In a short time, he became famous and got many opportunities to comeclose to the upper class. At the same time, healso visited slum and showed his sympathy. 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com
