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从方法上讲,本论文对某某师范学院的英语系学生和泰国潘雅大学的中国学生进行了试探性的调查研究,集合了具有质性和量性例子以证明和分析从调查和研究中所的出的八种原因:1.说话的方便;2.种族验证;3.引用;4.话语伪装;5.练习语言;6.特殊效果;7.习惯性;8.好玩 内容来自www.paper51.com

关键词:代码转换;汉英双语者;汉语;英语 http://www.paper51.com

1. Introduction paper51.com

Asan important linguistic phenomenon, code-switching has aroused many linguistsinterests since the early 1970s (Coulmas, 2001: 218). In Susan Gal’s (a famoussocio-linguist) words, code-switching is “a conversational strategy used toestablish, cross or destroy group boundaries; to create, evoke or changeinterpersonal relations with their rights and obligations” (qtd in Wardhaugh,2002: 100). Speakers of more than one language, (e.g., bilingualsor multilinguals), tend to use different codes on different occasions, or switch from onecode to another in the middle of a conversation, or shift between sentences andsometimes even mix them in a sentence when the need arises (Wardhaugh, 2002: 87).Code-switching is “the inevitable consequence of bilingualism (or, moregenerally multilingualism)” (Hudson,51). Switching happens everywhere and all the time. Being aware of this, it isnot difficult to find that it is extremely rare for a person to use a singlecode. Thus, the question that emerges is: what really governs the reason forcode-switching (Wardhaugh, 2002: 87)? Do people shift from one to another ormix them up in their speeches at random; or because of the lack of sufficientknowledge in the language that is in use to start the conversation; or simply forshowing off? I do not deny the possibilities of those reasons; however, thereare additional reasons. A lot of evidence has been found to prove that most ofthe time the mix of different codes serves important functions to the speakersin a discourse.

内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

Idid a survey of the Chinese-English bilinguals from YuxiTeachers’ College (a Chinesecommunity) and Payap University (aninternational community), attempting to find out the main reasons that motivatethem to shift codes between Chinese and English in their everyday conversations.It is hoped that this study can help arrive at a better understanding of theChinese-English bilinguals code-switching phenomenon and also help them developbetter speaking skills by having a better command of code-switching.  http://www.paper51.com

