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   Languageis a culture carrier; it playsa very important role in culture.  Atthe same time, culture shows the national features of differentcountries; it contains language and affects language.  The English and the Chineselanguage are both rich in idioms.  Idiomis not only the essence of language, but also the miniature of language.  Thereare many animal idioms both in Chinese and English idiom.  The papermainly compares some animal idioms which are frequently used both inChinese and English, such as dog, bat, dragon and so forth. Then some reasonsfor these differences are discussed and the significance of these idioms in Englishteaching and learning is suggested.


Keywords:animal words; language; culture; cultural differences


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语言是文化的载体,它在文化中扮演重要的角色,同时文化体现出不同国家和民族的特征,它包含语言同时也影响语言。在英语和汉语中都包含了大量的习语。习语不仅是语言的精髓,而且是语言的缩影。在英语和汉语习语中又存在大量的动物习语。本研究主要比较一些在英语和汉语中常用的动物习语,例如:狗、蝙蝠、龙等。随后讨论是哪些因素造成英汉动物习语的差异,以及掌握这些动物习语对学生和教师的意义。 http://www.paper51.com


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Statement of Authorship. i

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Acknowledgement ii

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Abstract iii 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

Chinese Abstract iv


1. Introduction. 1


1.1. The Background of theStudy. 1

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1.2 The Significance of theStudy. 2 paper51.com

1.3 The Scope of the Study. 3 copyright paper51.com

1.4 The Research Questions. 3

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2. Literature Review.. 3

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2.1 Language and Culture. 3

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2.2 Related Research. 6 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

2.3 Definition of Terms. 6 paper51.com

3. Methods. 7

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4. The Comparisons andReasons for Differences. 8 copyright paper51.com

4.1 The Same Animal Wordsand Different Cultural Connotations. 8


4.1.1 Some Animal Words with Derogatory Meaning inEnglish, but with Commendatory Meaning in Chinese. 8

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4.1.2 Some Animal Words with Commendatory Meaning inEnglish, but with Derogatory Meaning in Chinese. 11 paper51.com

4.2 The Same Animal Word with Similar Cultural Connotations. 12


4.3 Different Animal Words with Similar Cultural Connotations. 13 copyright paper51.com

4.4 Reasons for Cultural Connotation Differences. 13

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4.4.1 GeographicalInfluence. 14

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4.4.2 Religious Influence. 14 copyright paper51.com

4.4.3 Historical Influence. 15

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4.4.4 ConventionalInfluence. 15


5. Conclusion andImplications. 16


References. 18 http://www.paper51.com

