摘 要 copyright paper51.com 交际语言教学是一种旨在提高学生的外语交际能力,强调语言的交际功能而忽略语言形式学习的外语教学方法。 http://www.paper51.com 研究表明,交际语言教学在一些国家的成功应用有其特定的语言文化背景,但就中国英语教学的现状来看,推广运用交际语言教学存在诸多困难,其中最为突出的问题之一就是语法教学与交际功能之间的争议。尽管一些人认为语法学习没有交际能力重要,并且主张淡化甚至放弃语法学习,然而在交际语言教学中放弃语法教学是非常困难的,因为语法及语法能力作为一个有效的监控工具既为学生学习英语提供了一条捷径,同时它作为交际能力的一部分也为他们英语交际能力的提高奠定了基础。本文认为应该将交际语言教学和语法教学同时融入英语教学之中,并结合交际语言教学和语法教学的相关研究,论述了语法教学在语言交际中对培养中学生英语交际能力的作用,探索性地提出了一些实现语法教学和交际语言教学有机结合的教学策略。 内容来自www.paper51.com 关键词:交际语言教学;语法教学;关系;统一 copyright paper51.com
Contents http://www.paper51.com Statement ofAuthorship. i 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com Acknowledgments. ii 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com
Abstract iii copyright paper51.com 摘 要... iv paper51.com Contents. v copyright paper51.com 1.Introduction. 1 内容来自www.paper51.com
1.1 The Background of Study. 1 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com 1.2 The Significance of Study....................................................................................................... 1 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com
1.3 The Questions of Study . 2 paper51.com
2.Literature Review.. 2 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com 2.1 Communicative Language Teaching. 2 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com
2.2 GrammarTeaching. 4 http://www.paper51.com 2.3 TheRelation between Communicative Language Teaching and Grammar Teaching................. 6 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com 3. A Survey on Grammar Teaching and Communicative Language Teachingin Middle Schools. 8 copyright paper51.com 3.1Participants. 8 copyright paper51.com 3.2 The Research Instruments. 8 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com 3.3 Questionnaire. 9 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com 3.4 Data Analysis. 9 copyright paper51.com 4. Strategies of Grammar Teaching in CommunicativeLanguage Teaching............................. 15 内容来自www.paper51.com 4.1 Connection with Real Context 15 内容来自www.paper51.com 4.2 Proper Combination of Input andOutput............................................................................ 16 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com 4.3 Inquiry-based Language Teaching. 17 copyright paper51.com 4.4 Learner-centeredness. 18 paper51.com
5. Conclusion. 19 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com
References http://www.paper51.com Appendices paper51.com List ofAbbreviations 内容来自www.paper51.com CLT: Communicative Language Teaching 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com CA: Communicative Approach paper51.com 1. Introduction paper51.com 1.1 The Background of Study http://www.paper51.com
Grammar-translation method has been conductedin the past decades even in a longer time. It has played an essential role inthe history of foreign language teaching until today. But with other teachingmethods such as Audio-lingual method, CLT, Task-based Teaching and others aredeveloped, Grammar-translation method has gradually been placed a lessimportant position. Especially in recent years, as CLT becomes more and morepopular. Many people begin to claim that the traditional grammar teaching shouldbe weakened even given up. At the same time, the issue that whether CLTconflicts with grammar teaching has also become one of the most controversialproblems. copyright paper51.com However, up to now, it seems that many peopleare not aware of the relation between grammar teaching and CLT. Today's foreignlanguage teaching stresses the development of students’ communicative abilities,instead of the students’ grammatical abilities. Actually, grammar teaching and CLTare intricately interwoven. If there was no grammatical knowledge, there wouldbe no communicative ability. They rely on each other and influence each other. 内容来自www.paper51.com |