1.Introduction Reading is ofgreat importance in basic knowledge acquisition and English language learning.In English teaching, reading ability is attached importance to. So we canconclude that reading is very vital in English learning. In English course,reading is given the priority among language skills. Unfortunately, the resultis not satisfying. Most students fail to read effectively when they are doingextensive reading. They frequently stop to turn to a dictionary for help whenthey come across unknown words. In this way, they have become very slow and ineffectivereaders. Unknown words are the biggest problem in their reading ability andmany people do not know how to deal with unknown words. In this paper, theauthor will mainly talk about some skills to attack unknown words. 内容来自www.paper51.com Beforewe start discussing word-attack skills in extensive reading, we should knowseveral definitions. What is a word? What is reading and extensive reading? paper51.com 1.1 Thedefinition of word http://www.paper51.com
Whatis a word? It is a very difficult question for us to answer; it is even acomplicated definition for some linguists to answer, not alone for us averagepeople. Word is a unit of expression that has universal intuitive recognitionby native speakers, whether it is expressed in spoken or written form. (HuZhuanglin, 2001: 76) Here is another definition; the definition of a wordcomprises the following points: paper51.com (1)A minimal free form of a language; copyright paper51.com
(2)A sound unit; copyright paper51.com (3)A unit of meaning; 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com (4)A form of that can function alone in a sentence; paper51.com Therefore,we can say that a word is a minimal free form of a language that has a givensound and meaning and syntactic function. (Zhang Weiyou, 1999: 7) 内容来自www.paper51.com |