摘 要 paper51.com 语言情感因素是语言学习的重要组成部分。情感因素对语言学习的影响已经被广泛的研究并取得了成果。本文主要研究教师的作文评语对学生的情感及其写作技能的影响,并初步调查了教师反馈与学生写作情感因素的联系。本文的理论支撑包括情感理论和教师反馈理论。在以上理论指导下,对某某六中初二(7)班学生进行了调查,旨在发现教师的反馈对于学生写作情感因素的影响。 copyright paper51.com 关键词:情感因素;教师反馈;写作 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com Contents http://www.paper51.com
Statement of Authorship………………………………………………………………… 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com i copyright paper51.com
Acknowledgements............................................................................................................. copyright paper51.com ii paper51.com Abstract…………………………………………………………………………………... http://www.paper51.com iii copyright paper51.com
摘 要…………………………………………………………………………………… paper51.com iv http://www.paper51.com
1. Introduction…………………………………………………………………………… copyright paper51.com 1 copyright paper51.com 1.1 The Background of the Study………………………………………………………. 内容来自www.paper51.com
1 内容来自www.paper51.com
1.2 The Significance of the Study……………………………………………………… 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com 1 paper51.com
1.3 The Scope of the Study…………………………………………………………….. paper51.com
2 http://www.paper51.com 1.4 The Research Questions……………………………………………………………. 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com 2 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com 2. Literature Review……………………………………………………………………... http://www.paper51.com 3 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com
2.1 Related Theory……………………………………………………………………... 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com 3 内容来自www.paper51.com 2.2 Related Study………………………………………………………………………. paper51.com 7 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com
3. Research Design………………………………………………………………………. http://www.paper51.com 8 http://www.paper51.com 3.1 Purpose……………………………………………………………………………... copyright paper51.com 8 paper51.com 3.2 Design and Subjects………………………………………………………………... 内容来自www.paper51.com 8 内容来自www.paper51.com
3.3 Instrument………………………………………………………………………….. 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com 9 paper51.com 4. The Analysis of Data………………………………………………………………….. 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com
9 内容来自www.paper51.com 4.1 The Findings of Questionnaire…………………………………………………….. copyright paper51.com
9 内容来自www.paper51.com 4.2 Summary of the Findings…………………………………………………………... paper51.com 14 内容来自www.paper51.com 5. Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………... 内容来自www.paper51.com
14 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com 5.1 Summary…………………………………………………………………………… http://www.paper51.com
14 http://www.paper51.com 5.2 Implications………………………………………………………………………… copyright paper51.com 16 copyright paper51.com
References………………………………………………………………………………... 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com 17 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com Appendices……………………………………………………………………………….. 内容来自www.paper51.com 18 http://www.paper51.com 1. Introduction 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com Teaching English is always a difficulty in junior high school teaching.Teacher’s feedback for student’scomposition is an important step in teaching writing. As one of the important waysfor teacher’s feedback, comments playa virtual role for students’ writing. The problems that junior high school teacher should consider involve in not only how to makecomments more valid but also how to maximally enhance student’swriting motivation. paper51.com 1.1 The Background of the Study 内容来自www.paper51.com
Second language writing is a complex and deepinner activity. Many factors can influence on this activity. With the development ofstudent’s affect, affectivefactors have been applied into writing activity. The important rolesof affection in second language writing havebeen recognized. Theinfluence of affective factors on second language writing isnot only on second language acquisition but also on others language skills suchas listening, speaking, reading, and writing in target language. For mostjunior students, writing in target language is difficult and is really a hardtask to be carried out. The main reason is that writing in target language is anactivity that a student not only synthetically applies language knowledge butalso expresses his idea with proper target language. paper51.com |