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姓名: 和杰云





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指导教师姓名:   杨     艳    

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An Analysis of the Father Goriot’s Tragedy



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He Jieyun




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Yang Yan

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A Thesis Submitted as a

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Partial Fulfillment for the Degree of

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B.A. in English

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  April, 2011

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Statement of Authorship

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Exceptwhere reference is made in the text of the thesis, this thesis contains nomaterial published elsewhere or extracted in whole or part from a thesispresented by me for another degree or diploma.


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Noother person’s work has been used without due acknowledgement in the main textof the thesis.


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Thisthesis has not been submitted for the award of any other degree or diploma inany tertiary institution.

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I would like to take this opportunity to express my sinceregratitude to all the people who helped me with my thesis. Without their help,my present thesis would not be possible. My first thanks should be extended tomy supervisor, Yang Yan, who spends her time in guiding my thesis writing. Her valuablesuggestions and hearty encouragement in the completion of this thesis inspireand stimulate me a lot.



I would really appreciate all the other teachers, myclassmates and my best friends. They have given me a lot of suggestions aboutmy thesis and helped me find useful materials. Ialso would like to acknowledge my debt to my roommates, for their support andlove that have encouraged me.

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Finally, I want to express my sincere thanks to my parentsfor the support, encouragement and understanding they have given to me for manyyears.


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  Thanks a lot.


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Le Père Goriot is the masterpiece of Honoré de Balzac, a very famous French writer. Hedescribes the old man who loves his two daughters very much, and does everythingfor them, but his daughters do not admit him as their father. Finally, he diedlonely. The thesis tries to analyze the reasons of Goriot’s tragedy from twoaspects: the social reasons and his personal reasons.





Keywords: the father Goriot; tragedy; thesocial reason; the personal reason 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com


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摘  要

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《高老头》是法国著名作家,奥诺雷·德 ·巴尔扎克的得力之作,也是法国文学的珍品。小说描写了高老头一生爱女儿并想方设法满足女儿的一切,但两个女儿却不承认这个父亲,最后一个人孤独的死在所租的公寓里的悲惨命运。本文试从社会因素和个人因素两个方面来分析了高老头悲剧产生的原因。


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关键词:高老头;悲剧;社会原因; 个人原因




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Statement of Authorship. i



Acknowledgements. ii

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Abstract iii



摘  要... iv

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Ⅰ.Introduction. 1

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Ⅱ.Literature Review.. 3

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Ⅲ. The Reasons of Father Goriot’s Tragedy. 4



A. The Social Reasons. 4



B. The Personal Reasons. 7

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Ⅳ.Conclusion. 12


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References. 13



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Ⅰ. Introduction

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Honoré de Balzac (20 May 1799 – 18August 1850) was an outstanding French novelist and playwright who won thewhole world readers’ hearts.              


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Balzac was born onMay 20, 1779 in a familywhich had struggled nobly to achieve respectability. Immediately after hisbirth, Balzac was sent to wet-nurse; the following year he was joined by hissister Laure and they spent four years away from home. At the age of eight,Balzac was sent to the Oratorian grammar school at Vendome, where he studiedfor seven years. In 1814 the Balzac family moved to Paris, and Honoré was sent to private tutorsand schools for the next two and a half years. This was an unhappy time in hislife, during which he attempted suicide on a bridge over the Loire River.In 1816 Balzac entered the Sorbonne, where he studied under three famousprofessors. Once his studies were completed, Balzac was persuaded by his fatherto follow him into the law; for three years he trained and worked at the officeof Victor Passez, a friend of the family.It was during this time that he began to understand the vagaries of humannature. So, at the age of twenty, he began to work as a writer. He published alot of infamous works using his pseudonym. From 1825 to 1828, for making aliving, he was engaged in publishing and press, but all failed deeply in debt.Therefore, Balzac went in for the realism literary works after exploring andtraining. In 1833 Balzac conceived the idea of linking together his oldnovels so that they would comprehend the whole society in a series of books.These novels all collected together under the title The Human Comedy in 1841. This collection was subdivided into smaller groups of novels: “Scenes of Private Life,” “Scenesof Political Life,” “Scenes of Parisian,” “Provincial,” and “Country Life.” AndThe Father Goriot is the most vitalmasterpieces of “Scenes of Private Life”



Thestory takes place in November, 1819. A young person called Eugene de Rastignac goes to Parisalone to study law, and he lives in a mansion which is really simple and crude.It is owned by the widow Madame Vauquer in Paris’ rue Neuve-Sainte-Geneviève. Inthat house he meets the elderly retired vermicelli-maker, Jean-Joachim Goriot. Eugene de Rastignac is attracted by the upper class, and tries hisbest to get acquainted with two great ladies, the Comtesse Anastasie de Restaudand Mme. de Nucingen, they both are Goriot’s daughters. Goriot loves his twodaughters very much. When they are young, he asks the best teacher to teachthem and give them their own carriages, to meet all what they need. When they areat the age of marriage, he gives each one eight hundred thousand francs inorder to secure their happy marriage; while he only keeps eight or ten thousandlivres a year for himself, thinking that he will have two homes after hisdaughters married, and he will be loved and respected. However, in two years’time, he is driven out of their houses by his two sons-in-law as if he were oneof the lowest outcasts. Goriot’s two daughters do not care about their father’slife at all. They take part in balls everyday, and they wear extraordinaryexpensive cloth and jewelry. Unfortunately, their money is controlled by theirhusbands. When they need money, they come to the mansion to ask their father forhelp. Goriot tries every method to give them money, just for getting a smilefrom them. But the two daughters do not care about him, only care aboutthemselves. They quarrel with each other before their fathers which worsen hissickness. After several days, he dies lonely, none of his daughters come.

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Ⅱ. Literature Review

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Le Père Goriot is loved by many readers. Alot of scholars wrote comments about it. Some have analyzed the novel from thesociety aspect. Chen Changheng (1990) saidthat the father Goriot is an embodiment of the feudal patriarchal moral, “through the novel, Balzac denounced the evil ofcapitalist society while favored the feudal patriarchal family.” Chu Yuetao(1983)also thinks the crux ofthe Goriot’s love to his daughters is not beyond the class’s love, but theperformance of the feudal patriarch’s twisted emotions. Zeng Yuhong(2000) said that the love whichthe father Goriot gave their daughters was unprincipled, he needs return. Inother words, father Goriot loves his daughters so much, because he wants to meethis personal desire and passion, to get solace, to fill the emptiness. Just as Karl Heinrich Marx and Friedrich Engels (1848)pointed out, thesentimental veil covering the family relation is torn by bourgeoisie, itbecomes a pure relationship just tied by money. Chen Fengjiao(2007)said that money is just amark of a new age of the capitalism; love in that time was just an extraemotion.



Some other researchers have studied the novel from differentviews. They paid much attention to learn what makes the father Goriot’stragedy. Zeng Yuhong(2000) told us, the novel The Father Goriot reflects a basiccontradiction of human emotion, the tragedy is not only caused by socialreasons of the time, but also caused by defects of characters. Furthermore, Ma Mingfang(1992)said that father Goriotexpresses his love to his daughters by giving them money and connivance is also a reason for his tragedy. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel(1975) saw tragedy as presenting conflict in which “veritable tragic suffering... is suspended over active characters entirely as the consequence of theirown act” (On Tragedy 51). For Hegel, tragedy is dialectical and presentsa conflict of opposing moral forces which leads to a higher level of being. Tragic figure is the embodiment of this ethical strength.That is to say what reflects in the tragedy is that all kinds of contradictionsand conflicts of human love in the world. This paper will analyze father Goriot’s tragedy from social reasons and his personalreasons.

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Ⅲ. The reasons of father Goriot’s tragedy


The father Goriot’s tragedy is not onlyhis tragedy, but also a social tragedy, we can explore the reasons from thefollowing two aspects.

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A. The Social Reasons

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Every person can not live beyond social environment,and the changes of a society always have influence on personal development. Thechange of the French society is one of the most important reasons offather Goriot’s tragedy.



First, the story takes place in aFrench society which is characterized by turbulence and intranquility. Theupper class’s life was absolutely different from that of the poor people. Theyhold ball every night, dressed expensive cloth, wore precious jewelry, and atedrooling food. But the poor people even had not enough food to eat, and had notcloth to wear. “Old Goriot”, as he was called by the people, has been a successfulmerchant. He has made considerable money in the grain business, and invested itwell. For his daughters, he loves them so much that he sacrifices everything.But he soon becomes a nuisance when the two daughters became aristocrats. They abandoned him, lost in their pursuit of socialstatus. At the end of the book, when Goriot is dying, his daughters are attendinga festive ball. All of these suggest fundamental schism between society and thefamily.

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Second, the struggle of individualsto secure upper-class status is ubiquitous, it’s a social phenomenon. In order to step into the upper class,many young people try all kinds of methods. Just like Rastignac, he asked hisaunt about family relations, thinking some of them may help him. After muchshaking of the branches of the family tree, he finds that the Vicomtesse deBeauseant is the best choices , so he tries his best to make the Vicomtesse deBeauseant know him, help him to get acquainted with other upper women. He knowsif he becomes a member of upper class, he will be respected by other people. Itis not his fault. It is a social phenomenon. Every person in that age washaving the ambitions of stepping into the upper class unscrupulously.

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For example, in oneparticularly blunt speech, Madame de Beauséant tells Rastignac:



The more cold-blooded your calculations, the further you will go. Strikeruthlessly; you will be feared. Men and women for you must be nothing more thanpost-horses; take a fresh relay, and leave the last to drop by the roadside; inthis way you will reach the goal of your ambition. You will be nothing here,you see, unless a woman interests herself in you; and she must be young andwealthy, and a woman of the world. Yet, if you have a heart, lock it carefullyaway like a treasure; do not let any one suspect it, or you will be lost; youwould cease to be the executioner, you would take the victim's place. And ifever you should love, never let your secret escape you! (100)


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 This attitude is further explored byVautrin, who also tells Rastignac: “The secret of a great success for which youare at a loss to account is a crime that has never been discovered, because it isproperly executed.”(146) These words mean “behind every great fortune is a greatcrime.”

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The third social reason of Goriot’s tragedylays in that the feudal ideology is deeply-rooted in his mind. Though Feudalism in Western Europe lasted not too long, it had formed feudal hierarchy andpatriarchal system that were relatively complete. The Westerners had beeninfluenced by those ideas from birth. Balzac’s Goriot became a millionaire byselling bread. He is on the list of the big capitalists, but his world outlook islimited to the feudal hierarchy and patriarchal system. He loves his daughtersmerely because he regards them as his own private property. He demands that thegovernment pass laws to ensure the right of fathers. On his deathbed, heprotested, “……If sons and daughters don’t show filial obedience, isn’t theearth destroyed?”(338) Of course, those ideas had been out of tune with thesociety. He does not realize that money has destroyed and corroded therelations between fathers and sons and daughters, money has made some moralitysuch as loyalty and generosity die out, and money has obliterated these noblestand most beautiful feelings like love and friendship. He considers hisdaughters as his daughters while his daughters didn’t regard him as theirfather. That’s where his tragedy lies in.

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B. The personal reasons

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The father Goriot’s tragedy is also causedby himself. Mainly, there are four reasons.  



First, he does not realize what truelove is. He thinks he gives his daughters money, carriages, even position; it’sthe mark of love. However, it is not. His daughters do not need to think how tomeet their needs by themselves, they just need to ask their father to give themwhat they want. Goriotindulges in fantasy that he could feel happy though he knows it is not true. Soinfluenced by this morbid state of mind, he does strange things. He tries tomeet his daughters’ needs; next, he moved into a poor plat; then he pays hisdaughters’ debt; finally, he buys a building for his daughters and sells hisown last property for their balls.

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Especially, when his sons-in-law do notwant him to visit them freely, he moves into the lodging-house whichbelongs to Mme. Vauquer and to meet his daughters secretly.


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This morning, you thought that she didnot care about you, did you not? Eh? She would have nothing to say to you, andyou went away out of humor and out of heart. Stuff and rubbish! She wanted youto go because she excepting me! Now do you understand? We were to complete thearrangements for taking some chambers for you, a jewel of a place; you are tomove into it in three days’ time. Don’t split upon me. She wants it to be asurprise; but I couldn’t bear to keep the secret from you. You will be in theRue d’Artois, only a step or two from the Rue Saint-Lazare,and you are to be housed like a price!(221)


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When law student Rastignacwas stillhesitates about whether to accept Miss Taillefer’s love or Delphine’s, fatherGoriot worries about his choice. Therefore, Goriot tells Rastignac that he andhis daughter ignores him not because she does not love him but they need timeto complete the arrangements for taking some chambers, they both wish Rastignacwashappy. Generally, we can see the father loves his daughter in wrong ways. Aslong as his two daughters want, whether it is good or bad, he accepts and givesthem. It is not true love, for it just increases their vanity. As a father, inorder to get a cheap love from daughter, he allows his daughter, a marriedwoman, to meet Rastignacwas day by day. And she becomes his lover. For a normalfather, he may persuade her to stop doing it.



 “Well, then, don’t keep anything from me.What more did Anastasie want of you?”

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“Oh, she was very miserable,” heanswered, gathering up all his strength to speak. “It was this way, my boy.Since that affair of the diamonds, Nasie has not had a penny of her own. Forthis ball she had ordered a golden gown like a setting for a jewel. Her Mantua maker, a womanwithout a conscience, would not give her credit, so Nasie’s waiting-womanadvanced a thousand francs on account. Poor Nasie! Reduced to such shifts! Itcut me to the heart to think of it! But when Nasie’s maid saw how things werebetween her master and mistress, she was afraid of losing her money, and cameto an understanding with the dressmaker, and the woman refuses to send theball-dress until the money is paid. The gown is ready, and the ball is tomorrownight!Nasiewas in despair. She wanted to borrow my forks and spoons to pawn them.”(313-314)



This dialogue happens between Rastignacwasand Goriot. From it, we can know that one of his daughters, Anastasie visitshim, not for his illness but for her ball. For going to a grand ball, she has ordereda golden gown like a setting for a jewel. Butshe has not had a penny, so she wants his father to help her. Till now, fatherGoriot almost sells all his properties. But for her daughter, he sells his lastproperty without any idea that he needs money to treat himself. If his twodaughters love him a little, when they come to mansion, they would find thattheir father is ill, and pay money to treat him, but they do not care him atall. They are not touched by their father’s love, and they just care aboutthemselves.


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 Secondly, Goriot ignores to educate themabout their nature, he just spoils them.

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When Anastaise and Delphine were young,father Goriot asked the best teachers to teach them. They can get what theywant. They are lack of education about human nature. There is no word “grateful”in their dictionary. Human nature is one of the most important parts of one person’swhole life, it makes people know how to get along with others. But the twodaughters just learn how to live in the upper class, just know money is everything.

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Thirdly, the father lives in a worldthat is full of lies. He is cheated, and he cheats himself, too. He alreadyknew that his daughter do not love him, just love his money, but he can notstop using money to exchange their cheap love. At the beginning of this novel,Goriot has paid twelve hundred francs a year for rent. Possibly it is thecareless generosity with which Father Goriot allows himself to be overreachedat this period of this life (they called him Monsieur Goriot very respectfullythen), Mme. Vauquer looks on him as an imbecile where money is concerned. PoorGoriot sells his propertycontinually till sold up all his property except himself. During such a longperiod, the father Goriot could sober up, but he always cheats himself that histwo daughters love him. He is happy when he hears other people say to him thathis daughters are very beautiful, wearing the luxurious cloth and jewelry. Whenother people asked if his daughters treated him well, he tells people“My daughters arevery fond of me; I am a happy father; but my sons-in-law have behaved badly tome, and rather than make trouble between my darlings and their husbands, Ichoose to see my daughters secretly.”

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As a father, although Goriot already has known that hisdaughters do not love him, he can not stop loving them. “I shall go and comelike a good fairy that makes himself felt everywhere without being seen.” Whyhe said it? Because he knew his daughters do not love to see him. But he stillwants to see them, so he tells them that he would make himself felt everywherewithout being seen. He thinks as long as his daughters are happy, he would behappy.

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Then, how do the daughters think of their father? We knowthis from Delphine’s words. “You see!” Delphine sayswith a look at Eugene,“so long as my father is with us, he monopolizes me. He will be rather in theway sometimes.” But Goriot doesnot want to admit this is true until his death. Before he died, he said sighed“I shall die in a fit of rage, of rage! Anger is getting the better of me. Ican see my whole life at this moment. I have been treated! They do not love me,they have never loved me all their lives! It is all clear to me.” At last, headmitted every thing which he feared to face. “Money brings everything to you;even your daughters.” (336)He gave up all hope of love.

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Fourthly, vanity in people’spersonality. He loves his daughters in a way hoping to get return. For example,when they were young, he paid money for two daughters’ education, just hoping themto step into the upper class, and so he could have two upper homes. This is agood way for him to realize his dream that he could not fulfill by himself.Although he becomes a millionaire, he wants to become a member of the upperclass, but he has no chance. “The best masters were engaged, that Anastasie andDelphine might be endowed with all the accomplishments which distinguish a goodeducation.” “They had a chaperon—luckily for them, she was a woman who had goodsense and good taste; —they learned to ride; they had a carriage for their use,they lived as the mistress of a rich old lord might live; they had only toexpress a wish, their father would hasten to give their most extravagantdesires.” (115) it is vivid that what they have learned is the basic skill of aperson in upper class; he would like to pay for it, because he knows it wouldbe returned to him one day. And if his two daughters live as great ladies, itwill gratify his vanity.


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His two daughters also have vanity; theythink their father has nothing to give them to improve their status. At thistime, they would rather stay at their loveless house than come to see theirfather last time. If they come, they think it would lose their face, for theyhave such a poor father. When the father Goriot’s vanity can not be satisfied,he becomes crazy. “make them come!Compel them tocome! Call out the guard, the military, anything and everything, but make themcome! Go to the authorities, to the public prosecutor, let them bring themhere; come they shall! ” (342). He also curses them, “Their own children willavenge me. Why, for their own shakes they should come to me! Make themunderstand that they are lying up retribution for their own deathbeds.”(341). “Theyare wicked, heartless women; curses on them, I loathe them. I shall rise atnight from my grave to curse them again.”(432) From these words, we can see ifhe really loves them without any return, he would not curse them like this.

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Ⅳ. Conclusion


Honoré de Balzac hasbeen undoubtedly honored as one of the France writer, Le Père Goriot is the brightest starwhich illuminates in France literature. The readers can read it from differentviews, such as, from Rastignac, the father Goriot, Vicomtesse de Beauseant, Anastasie,Delphine, and so on. This paper covers briefintroduction of Honoré de Balzac’s life, and reasons of the father Goriot’stragedy. From the novel we know that the struggle of individualsto secure upper-class status is ubiquitous, but thesurviving feudal ideology is still deeply-rooted in people’s mind, which isincompatible with the cruel society. This leads to Goriot’stragedy, he does not know what true love is, he gives wrong education to hisdaughters, and he is afraid of facing the truth that his daughters do not lovehim but his money, and finally died lonely.

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Bertault, Philippe. 1963. Balzac andThe Human Comedy. [C]. Trans.Richard Monges. New York: New York University Press.

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Hegel, G.W.F. 1975. Hegel on Tragedy. [C]. Ed. and Introduction. Anne and HenryPaolucci. New York:Harper & Row.

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王慧君,王慧玲, 2001,世界文学名著英汉对照全译精选[M]。Le Pere Goriot. 伊犁人民出版社,2001年第12期。

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