摘 要 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com 英语广泛地应用于各个领域,英语教育更是逐渐受到人们的普遍关注。少数民族地区各方面的建设相对落后,英语在少数民族地区的推广起步较晚,而且缺乏经验,因此这将是一个长期的探索过程。在少数民族地区实施英语教育,从学生这个群体入手,将会取得收效好,速度快的成果。但是少数民族学生英语学习过程中所遇到的困难又会影响这一进程的前进步伐,因此,我们必须重视少数民族学生英语学习困难这个问题。 http://www.paper51.com
关键词:少数民族学生 英语学习 困难 初探 paper51.com Contents http://www.paper51.com 1. Introduction......................................................................................................................... 1 http://www.paper51.com
2. Three situations.................................................................................................................... 1 http://www.paper51.com 2.1 The Ethnic Institute of Chiang Rai Rajabhat University, Thailand....................................... 1 copyright paper51.com
2.2 Shengxin Middle School, Chiang Mai, Thailand............................................................... 2 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com 2.3 Sanjiang Ethnic High School Guangxi, China.................................................................. 3 paper51.com
3. The factors for the difficulties in learning English........................................................................ 3 copyright paper51.com 3.1The Ethnic Institute....................................................................................................... 3 copyright paper51.com 3.2Shengxin Middle School................................................................................................ 5 内容来自www.paper51.com 3.3Sanjiang Ethnic High School........................................................................................... 6 copyright paper51.com 4. English language study should focus on communication.............................................................. 8 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com
5. Conclusion............................................................................................................................ 10 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com 6. References............................................................................................................................ 11 paper51.com 7. Teachers Surveyed................................................................................................................ 12 paper51.com 1. Introduction http://www.paper51.com Englishhas extensive applications in all professions. Today, people pay closeattention to English education in China because they can see how importantEnglish is in their life. However, the popularization of English started latein the minority regions, and people lack experience in English education inthese regions. I believe it will take a long time for minority Englisheducation to progress. http://www.paper51.com Becauseof a variety of historical causes, many minority groups have changed theirresidence from Yunnan, China to Northern Thailand. These groups are Yao, Lisu,Hani, Wa and Dai. For example, in areas around Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai,Thailand there are a lot of ethnic regions and Chinese settlements, and thisethnic diversity is reflected in the varied cultures there. 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com SanjiangDong Minority Autonomous County is located in Northern Guangxi, China. Thoughthere are some Dong settlements dispersed in other counties, Sanjiang is theonly Dong Minority Autonomous County in Guangxi, and more than 57% of thecounties population is Dong. The other 43% peopleare made up of Han and other ethnicities. Dong people have their own culture, and in recentyears English has played an important role in thedevelopment of Dong culture, in government affairs, in business, andespecially in education. copyright paper51.com Ifwe want our great minority traditional culture to connect to the advancedcultures of the world, we should pay attention to the development of Englisheducation in ethnic regions. Based on a total of three months of Englishteaching practice I had in The Ethnic Institute of Chiang Rai RajabhatUniversity, Thailand; Shengxin Middle School of Sukruthai Taton Mae-ai inChiang Mai, Thailand; and Sanjiang Ethnic High School of Guangxi, China, Ifound that it is important and necessary to improve the English education inminority regions. 内容来自www.paper51.com