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摘  要


鲁滨逊一个人在孤岛上生活了28年多,经历了许多人们无法想象的困难与险阻。本文将从小说产生的18世纪初英国的社会状况, 人们当时的主流思潮情况来探讨鲁滨逊的理性思考,并从他对精神支柱以及物质问题方面的明智解决来阐述理性思考是生存的一个重要条件。 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com



Contents copyright paper51.com

Acknowledgments. i 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

Abstract ii 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

摘  要... iii paper51.com

I. Introduction. 1 copyright paper51.com

Ⅱ.Background of the Novel 2 内容来自www.paper51.com

Ⅲ.Rational Thinking. 3 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

Ⅳ.Solving Problems on the Island. 4


A. Spiritual Support 4 paper51.com

B. Material Arrangement 6 paper51.com

Ⅴ. Conclusion. 10 copyright paper51.com

References. 11 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com


I. Introduction 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

TheLife andStrange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe is based on the experience of a Scottish sailor namedAlexander Selkirk. He lived lonely on the island of Juan Fernandezfor five years. When Defoe was almost 60, he made use of the subject and wrote thenovel with many incidents of his own imagination. 内容来自www.paper51.com

Thestory Robinson Crusoe happened in the middle of the 17th century. Robinson’sfather wants his son to work for the law, but Robinson likes sailing very muchand decides to be a sailor. At the age of 19, Robinson leaves home and set outto the sea. After four times sailing on the sea, he settles down in Braziland becomes a planter. Four years later, his plantation thrives and prospersvery well, but he can not resist the call of the sea so that he embarks hisfifth voyage on the sea and leaves for Africa.His fate changes this time. The ship is destroyed by a frightful storm and heis the only person who survives. 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

Thenhe tries to go to the shore, and finds that it is a desolated island. He livesalone on this island 28 years. He keeps diaries and reads Bible to support hisspiritual world, also he sets up a tent, plants crops,and raises goats by his own hands. It is not until the twenty-eighth year afterRobinson helps an English Captain to regain his ship that he gets rid of theisland to England.


DanielDefoe was born in a protestant family in Londonin 1660. He is the son of a Presbyterian butcher. Thoughhe did not go to a university for his religion, he received a good education inone of the best Dissenting academics. During his life time, he has beenengaged in many careers, such as merchant, soldier, economist, and journalist.All his experiences has contributed to his great works and made him remembered.   http://www.paper51.com

Jackson, an English critics,said, “If people want to seize the spirit of youth, revolution, upward, vigor,and confident, the best guide is Defoe and his TheLife and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robison Crusoe” (Wang Huijun,2001: 2). Robinsonlands the island on September 30, 1659, and leaves there on December 19, 1686.He has been there for 19days, two months and 28 years. It’s a long and hard time. As he says,            paper51.com

For I was wet, had no clothes to shift me, nor any thingeither to eat or drink to comfort me, neither did I any prospect before me,but, that of perishing with Hunger, or being devour’dby wild Beasts. (Defoe, 2000: 54) copyright paper51.com

Thispaper shows us how Robinson overcomes difficulties reasonably and tells us thatwe should face reality, but not to avoid it.  copyright paper51.com
