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Acknowledgments. i paper51.com

Abstract ii copyright paper51.com

摘 要... iii copyright paper51.com

1. Introduction. 1


1.1. The definition and character ofSimple Blackboard Drawing. 1


1.2. The functions of SimpleBlackboard Drawing. 1 paper51.com

2. The cognitive psychologicalcharacter of junior one middle school students. 3 内容来自www.paper51.com

3. The application of Simple Blackboard Drawing to teaching vocabulary injunior one middle schools. 4


3.1. The Significance of vocabularyteaching in junior one middle schools. 4


3.2. The analysis of teachingvocabulary methods in junior one middle schools. 5


3.3. The principles of using SimpleBlackboard Drawing. 7

copyright paper51.com

3.4. The existent problems of SimpleBlackboard Drawing and the solution. 11


4.Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………………122 http://www.paper51.com

References. 13



1. Introduction http://www.paper51.com

1.1. The definition andcharacter of Simple Blackboard Drawing http://www.paper51.com

SimpleBlackboard Drawing is a kind of teaching means, which uses simple lines to drawpictures. It is widely used in English teaching, especially in elementaryschools and junior one middle schools. A teacher can draw pictures as soon aspossible on the blackboard when he or she explains English words, sentencestructures and an article according to teaching contents. He can use simplelines to draw all kinds of things, which characters are obvious. Moreover, itis very concrete and lively. When the teacher uses Simple Blackboard Drawing,it can call out students’ imagination and in this way, students can turn the abstractnotions, words and sentence structures into concrete ones. Besides, that ateacher uses Simple Blackboard Drawing in class can not only cultivate students’interest of learning English, but also deepen their memory about what they havelearned, and thus it can attain an aim of improving teaching effect. Among allthe auxiliary teaching means, the character of Simple Blackboard Drawing iseasy to learn, easy to draw, and the most important is that Simple BlackboardDrawing is not controlled by any objective factors. Because of the reasonsabove, as far as most of the teachers in elementary schools and junior onemiddle schools are concerned, Simple Blackboard Drawing in English teaching isone of the best and effective teaching means.

内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com
