2. Theory of recitation input http://www.paper51.com
The Input Hypothesis states that humanacquires language in only one way by understanding messages or by receivingcomprehensible input. Kristen developed that language is acquired throughlanguage input. 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com “That oneacquires language is only one way by exposure to comprehensible input. If theinput contains forms and structures just beyond the learners’ current level ofcompetence in language (what Krashen calls ‘i+1’), then both comprehensible will occur.” (Patsy M.Lightbom and Nina Spada, 2000: 243) copyright paper51.com “If inputunderstands, and there is enough of it, the necessary grammar is automaticallyprovided…input is essential environment ingredient.” (Diane Larsen-FreemanMichael H.Long, 2000: 245) 内容来自www.paper51.com “Althoughcomprehensible input is necessary for acquisition to take place, it is notsufficient, as learners also need to be affectively disposed to ‘let in’ theinput they comprehend.” (Rod Ellis, 1994:250) http://www.paper51.com According to the InputHypothesis, we know that the essence of the recitation input is thecomprehensible input. The reciting materials carefully chosen by teacher canpromote the students’ ability to comprehend and contribute to the output ofwriting. Cao Yilu(1992:2) pointed out that cross-abilities (speaking, writing) were based on thecomprehensible input. paper51.com The recitation input is onthe basis of Krashen’s Input Hypothesis. The recitation input should becomprehensible input. The teacher should aim at providing students optimalinput so as to stimulate their language acquisition. There are four conditionsfor the optimal input: “comprehensible, interesting and relevant, notform-focused and quantitative.” (Rod Ellis, 1994:275) Among the fourconditions, “comprehensible” is a key factor in second language acquisition.The recitation input conforms to Krashen’s Input Hypothesis. It also deepensstudents’ understanding, contacts more features of target language, accumulateslanguage knowledge and finally expresses their personal feelings, experienceand reactions in a native way. In a word, the recitation input is one of thebest language inputs because our students are learning English with Chinese asthe mother tongue with a non-natural context. 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com |