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Pronunciation,grammar, semasiology and vocabulary are the elements of language’s constitution.Pronunciation is language’s material form. Semasiology is language’s meaningand content. Vocabulary is the comprising part of language system. Grammar isthe organized law of language system. The vocabulary is polysemy, which moreattention must be paid in translating. We can know this point by thetranslation of conjunctions.

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2. The Differences betweenEnglish and Chinese Conjunctions.


Thefunction of conjunction in English and Chinese has many common points, but thenumber of English conjunctions is larger than Chinese. Its usage is also more widespreadthan that of Chinese. In English, between phrase and phrase, sentence andsentence, it is hypostasis that demands the completeness of structure. On thecontrary, in Chinese, it is parataxis between phrases and sentences.


Theform of Chinese sentence is structured according to the time and logic, theorder of language is immobile and the relation is clear and definite. It doesn’tneed so many conjunctions to show the relationships between them. Sometimes,adverbs can be substituted for conjunctions, so when English is translated intoChinese, some conjunctions in coordinate and subordinate compound sentences arealways omitted. 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

3. The Definitions and Kindsof Conjunctions. paper51.com

3.1 The Definition of Conjunction. copyright paper51.com

Aconjunction is to connect words, phrases, word groups, and sentences and toindicate the relations between them. It is a function word that cannot be takenas an individual composition of sentence.

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3.2The Kinds of Conjunction.

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Conjunctionscan be divided into two classes according to its grammatical function and thenature of connected compositions: coordinative conjunction and subordinate conjunction.Coordinative conjunction is to connect words, phrases, and sentences, which arecoordinate. “and, or, not only…but also, either…or, neither…nor, or else, otherwise,while, whereas, yet, however” are in common use. Subordinate conjunction is toconnect sentences and clauses.

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3.3“And”, the first appeared coordinative conjunction in English.


Thenumber of conjunctions in English is large and their usage is wide. Generally speaking,their meanings are immobile. But “and” is very special; its meaning is fuzzyand unfixed. In English, “and” is probably the first appeared coordinativeconjunction verified by linguists. Though “and” is just a conjunction, itsmeaning is various. In English-Chinese, the translation of “and” must be basedon the context. The following is a list of all the usages of “and” in English-Chinese. paper51.com
