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    Color is closely related topeople’s life. In human language, the color words are frequently used, andendowed with plentiful emotion and cultural connotation. In both Chinese andEnglish, the words of different colors are abundant. We should not only payattention to their own basic meaning but also their deeper symbolic meaning.Due to the respective cultural background and tradition, people's feeling andexpression to the color are not the same, so the symbolic meaning of color canproduce great difference between Chinese and Western culture. This paper is tomake a contrastive study of some major differences in color words. http://www.paper51.com

Key words: color words, culturalconnotation, Western culture, Chinese culture, paper51.com

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关键词:颜色词; 文化; 西方文化; 中国文化; 颜色

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Statement of Authorship. i

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Acknowledgments. ii 内容来自www.paper51.com

Abstract iii 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

摘  要... iv paper51.com

1. Introduction. 1 copyright paper51.com

2. The similarities of English and Chinese color words. 2


2.1 Most of colors have different degrees. 2


2.2 Two colors together make up mixedcolor. 2

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2.3 Colors resemble the materials innature. 2 paper51.com

2.4 Most of colors come from fruits andplants of nature. 3


3. The differences between Chinese and English colorwords. 3 内容来自www.paper51.com

3.1 The loss of the original meaning ofcolor in Chinese. 3

3.2 The loss of the original meaning ofcolor in English. 6

3.3 The differences in cultural connotationsbetween Chinese and English color words. 9

4. Conclusion. 10 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

References. 12 http://www.paper51.com

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1. Introduction

Vocabularyis one of the most important essentials of language and also the basic elementof languages communication. As the linguist David Wilkins (1972) said, “Withoutgrammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed(Zhang Weiyou 1997: 3).” That is to say, vocabularyplays a major role in language. Language consists of pronunciation, grammar,and vocabulary. But it is inadequate for us only to know pronunciation andgrammar on the grounds that we put our ideas, feelings and thought into words.As we know, there are large numbers of lexicons that are related to color inboth English and Chinese languages. Lexicons are affected by their nationalculture and are most sensitive to the social culture reflection. Andthey may arouse absolutely dissimilar cultural connotations or senses. However,on account of different languages and cultural systems, namely, differenthistories, customs, values, as well as religious beliefs between China andEnglish speaking countries, the cultural connotations of color words in Chinesedon’t necessarily coincide with their English dittos.

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Generallyspeaking, there are two major categories of the color words: basic color words andcompound color words. Basic color words: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple,black, white, brown and grey. They are very easy tocompound. In China there are eleven kinds, namely: “红”, “橙”, “黄”, “绿”, “青”, “蓝”, “紫”, “黑”, “白”, “棕”, and “灰”. It is worth to noting here, there’s no words to correspond in Englishwith “青” in Chinese. But we always use it inChinese, such as green hills “青山”, blue sky “青天”, and so on. These basic color wordsnot always appear alone in our daily life, they always appear as compound. Sothe compound color words are the practical color words, we always use them inour daily life.

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