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     It should come as nosurprise to the people who live in the 21th centuries, with the development ofglobalization, mass communication is happening every day. Translation isbecoming increasingly important as a medium of international communication.Because both English and Chinese play a very significant role in the world, itis inevitable for these two countries to communicate and exchange the culturesand other aspects of them.

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 However, how can we achieve this? Translationas a converting process is a certain way. What is translation? It is alwaysperformed in a given direction from a source language into a target language. Itmay be defined as follow: “The replacement of textual material in one languageby equivalent textual material in another language.”(黄龙,1988:1) In other words,translation does not just mean the change of symbols into another language, butit is a process of information substitution. The task of translator is totranslate the information he receives into symbols that he will send out. Manytranslators have tried their best to accomplish their tasks, but most of timethey could not get the original meaning from the translation works because theycould not find the exact Chinese substitutes for English, like some propernouns.           


Translationis the process of understanding and expressing, and also is the process ofcontrasting between English and Chinese. It involves the social background,culture and other aspects of two languages. Because the social culture andreligion of the target language are completely different with the custom andhabit of the source language, some words are so hard to deal with that we justcan not put it into another language. Almost all English words have more thanone meaning at the same time. It makes our work more difficult. That is to say,before choosing the correspondent Chinese word, we must make out the exactmeaning of English word at first. http://www.paper51.com

Wordis the fundamental factor of sentence and language. So word translation isworth discussing with enough attention. Determining word meaning is the firststep, and next is word translation. As Chen Zhongcheng (1999) pointed out thatword translation must seek truth from facts. In other words, it should followthe exact information and thoughts of the author; it also should be fit for thehabitual expression of target language. He also said that word contrast is agood way to understand and express it in word translation. It provides me withnot only the direction but also the standards of word translation. And it willbe very useful for this paper which mainly discussing the translation ofpolysepous words.

