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Contents 内容来自www.paper51.com

Statement of Authorship. i

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Acknowledgements. ii


Abstract iii copyright paper51.com

摘 要... iv 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

Contents. v paper51.com

1. Introduction. 1 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

2. The definition of Englisheuphemism.. 1


2.1 The original meaning ofeuphemism.. 1 copyright paper51.com

2.2 The communicative meaningof euphemism.. 2 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

3. The social background ofthe development of euphemism.. 3 paper51.com

3.1Euphemism and its timebackground. 3

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3.2 Euphemism and the peopleof middle class. 3 paper51.com

3.3Euphemism and socialstatus of women. 4 内容来自www.paper51.com

4. The communicativefunctions of euphemism.. 4 http://www.paper51.com

4.1 Avoidance of taboo. 4 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

4.2 Expressions of politeness. 6


4.2.1 About the ages. 7

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4.2.2 About the appearanceand characters. 7

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4.2.3 About the occupation. 8 内容来自www.paper51.com

4.2.4 About the education. 9 copyright paper51.com

4.2.5 About the criminal 10 内容来自www.paper51.com

4.3 Concealment of truth. 10

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4.3.1Conceal the truth ofpolitical issues. 10 http://www.paper51.com

4.3.2 Conceal the essence ofwars. 11


4.3.3 Conceal the fact ofadvertisement 12 内容来自www.paper51.com

4.4 Humor and satire. 13 http://www.paper51.com

4.4.1 Humor 13

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4.4.2 Satire. 14 copyright paper51.com

5. Conclusion. 14


References. 15


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1. Introduction


Euphemismis a common language strategy in communication. Almost everyone uses euphemismconsciously or subconsciously everyday. People use them with various intentionsand for various purposes. The use of euphemism avoids causing theunpleasantness of the two communicative sides and damages their relationship.


 Based on the usage of euphemism inwestern countries, the paper mainly explores the function of euphemism,namely,the avoidance of taboo. Those euphemisms about excretion, sex, pregnancy, andtoilet are of this kind. Generally speaking, people substitute unpleasant, rudeand offensive words with euphemisms that sound pleasant and polite. In thispart, I divide it into several parts such as euphemism about ages, appearance and characters, occupation, education,and criminal. In reality, euphemisms are usually used to cover thetruth. Especially, to conceal the truth of political issues, conceal theessence of wars, the fact of advertisement and so forth.

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 This essay analyzes the implication ofeach function and the specific reflect in communication; furthermore, itreveals the social value of the study on euphemism.

