摘 要
Today that fly to develop soon in the Internet, the Internet becomes the people to obtain, release and deliver important outlet of information quickly.Mainly release the information on the Internet is to pass the website to carry out of, obtain the information to also want in the Internet" ocean" according to certainly inspectional way will need of information carry down up and down from the website.
Along with the modern computer science development, the network already more and more popularized, now the network already became a part each person life, at the same time the network has also provided one kind of very good exchange of information platform, but individual main page was may demonstrate individual information in the network the convenient method. This article introduced how develops individual website. First introduced development kit —ASP technology and HTML technology, then in detail explained individual main page development.
Keywords: Individual website,HTML Technology, ASP Technology
目 录
摘 要. 1
Abstract 1
目 录. 2
前 言. 3
第一章 开发原理及工具简介. 4
1.1 ASP 简介... 4
1.1.1 ASP的技术特点... 4
1.1.2 ASP方法与传统静态主页的区别... 5
1.1.3 ASP与组件对象的使用... 6
1.2 ADO简介... 7
1.2.1 ADO与ASP. 8
1.2.2 访库的技术实现方法... 8
1.3 脚本语言简介... 9
1.3.1 VBScript 9
1.3.2 Jscript 10
1.4 ASP与JSP、PHP的比较... 10
1.4.1 ASP. 10
1.4.2 JSP. 11
1.4.3 PHP. 12
1.5 数据库的基本概念... 12
1.5.1 数据库系统的类型... 13
1.5.2 数据库系统的结构... 13
第二章 系统的可行性研究和需求分析. 15
2.1 可行性研究... 15
2.1.1 可行性研究的任务... 15
2.1.2 对本系统的可行性研究... 16
2.2 需求分析... 16
2.2.1 需求分析的任务... 16
2.2.2 对本系统的综合要求... 16
第三章 硬件及软件的需求准备. 17
3.1硬件的基本要求... 17
3.2软件的基本平台... 17
第四章 ASP对数据库的操作. 18
4.1网站管理系统的工作模式... 18
4.2个人网管理系统的构建... 19
4.3 安全性问题... 19
第五章 系统详细设计. 20
5.1系统数据流程图和数据字典... 20
5.2数据流程图:... 22
5.3系统功能流程图:... 23
第六章.系统功能模块设计. 25
6.1客户端... 25
6.1.1 系统主页:. 25
6.1.2图片... 28
6.2 后台系统的设计与实现... 31
6.2.1管理员登录窗口的设计:. 31
6.2.2 心情日记管理的设计与实现... 33
6.2.3相册管理... 35
6.2.4 网站管理... 38
第七章 系统的测试. 45
结束语. 46
致 谢. 47
参考文献: 48