摘 要
该天赐美食家网站是严格按照软件工程的模式来进行设计, 使用了ASP技术并采用Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004 作为设计工具,后台的数据库使用SQL创建,并使用了ADO方法来访问数据库。
关键词:ASP; ADO; 快速原型法
That day of grant a website of delicacies is strict according to the software engineering of mode to carry on the design, use the technique of ASP to combine 2004 conduct and actions design tools of the adoption Macromedia Dreamweaver MX, the database usage SQL of the backstage establish, and used the method of ADO to come to visit to ask the database.
The design method of a website of delicacies system is more and much, but make use of the design of ASP less.But this graduation design be hope to pass the technique of ASP to develop a hand over with each other the function is stronger of management system.The system uses the fast prototype method to carry on the design, mainly carrying out the managing person and browsing two molds of piece, the managing person can carry on the management and support to the website, browse can check the recipe and borrow to read information etc..System the one who release after, managing person or browse can pass the management of Web and the interview databases, designing thus since the one who be advantageous to browse operates expediently, also being advantageous to the managing person's valid management.And the script that have already code while circulate from the script engine decoding, increase the safety of the system.
In fine, this dynamic state the interactive day grants a website of delicacies to have the dynamic state management function, having the very big exaltation in managing the efficiency, coming to a to design the purpose basically.
Keywords: Individual website,HTML Technology, ASP Technology
目 录
摘 要... 1
Abstract 2
绪 论... 4
第一章 开发工具简介... 5
1.1 ASP简介... 5
1.1.1 ASP的背景... 5
1.1.2 运行 ASP 所需的环境... 7
1.1.3 Active Server Pages特性... 7
1.2 SQL2000简介... 10
2.1 可行性研究... 11
2.1.1 可行性研究的任务... 11
2.1.2 对本系统的可行性研究... 11
2.2 需求分析... 12
2.2.1 需求分析的任务... 12
2.2.2 对本系统的综合要求... 12
第三章 硬件及软件的需求准备... 13
3.1硬件的基本要求... 13
3.2软件的基本平台... 13
第四章 ASP对数据库的操作... 14
4.1网站管理系统的工作模式... 14
4.2天赐美食家网站管理系统的构建... 15
4.3 安全性问题... 15
第五章 系统详细设计... 16
5.1数据流程图:... 16
5.2系统功能流程图:... 17
第六章.系统功能模块设计... 19
6.1客户端... 19
6.1.1 系统主页:. 19
6.1.2图片... 23
6.2 后台系统的设计与实现... 26
6.2.1管理员登录窗口的设计:. 26
6.2.2美食帖示管理的设计与实现... 30
6.2.3美食菜谱管理... 34
6.2.4 网站管理... 38
第七章 系统测试... 1
结束语... 1
致 谢... 3
参考文献:. 3