分形是一门几何学科,它研究的是欧氏空间的一类子集,但很难对它下一个确切的定义。可以简单地说,如果一个对象的部分与整体具有自仿射变换关系,我们就可以称它为分形。自分形之父曼德勃罗(Benoit Mandelbrot)在1975年出版专著《分形对象:形、机遇与维数》,标志着分形理论正式诞生以来。分形已经广泛应用于物理、化学、生物、医学、计算机科学等诸多领域,而本文着眼于分形理论与计算机知识的结合。
Fractal is a geometrical /subject. It studies a subset of Euclidean geometry and can't be defined /exactly. Say in a simple way, if one part of an object is affine with another part of this, we can say this object is a /fractal. From 1975 Benoit Mandelbrot published his works Fractal: Form, Chance and Dimension, the theory of fractal is wildly used in physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, computer science /etc. And this topic dedicate for the use of fractal theory in /computer.
Because the beauty of the fractal picture, if drawing in a good way, you can get a perfect picture, so the picture can be used for dress, porcelain, and so /on. This topic point of the escaping time algorithm is the main way of drawing the fractal picture, but also show a new way to render the fractal picture in detail, it can give the picture more smoothly color change, thereby it give the picture more aesthetic /feeling. Further, this topic explain the use of computer graphics theory in the fractal picture's creating, for example the vector move, circumvolve, zoom in, zoom out, and other vector /transformation. In addition, picture parametric can be changed and picture colour can also be changed .this topic involved the Gumowski-Mira fractal, two dimension Cellular Automata /fractal.
Fractal unfurl an new world buildup with math and arts, Along with time flying, people think over fractal more and more, even brought an argument that fractal drawing is or not an /art. All think fractal picture is an art production today, and also, fractal is used more and more in computer /science. The computer graphics even add a new fractal algorithm to create nature /sight. Aside, fractal theory used wider and wider in other /subjects. We can say, fractal theory will use wider and /deeper.
Key Words: Fractal, Julia set, Mandelbrot set, Vector transformation,
Escaping time algorithm
目录 I
摘要 II
第一章 分形概论 1
1.1 什么是分形 1
1.2 分形的应用 1
1.3本文选题的背景 2
第二章 分形相关理论问题 3
2.1 JULIA集 3
2.2 逃逸时间算法的基本思想 4
2.3 逃逸时间算法绘制JULIA集与MANDELBROT集 4
2.4 分形图形着色方案 6
2.5 JULIA集与MANDELBROT集图形的矢量变换 7
2.6 二维元胞自动机生成分形图案 10
2.8 分形图形的位图操作 11
第三章 毕业设计结果和分析 23
3.1 程序概况 23
3.2程序说明 27
3.3 补充说明 31
参考文献 32
致 谢 33
附录 40