摘要 I
目录 III
第一章RSA公钥密码简介 1
1.1 公开密钥密码系统 1
1.2 RSA加密算法 2
1.3 RSA公钥密码的安全 5
第二章RSA加密算法的有关数学知识 7
2. 1 数论 7
2.1.1 模运算 7
2.1.2素数 7
2.1.3最大公因子 9
2.1.4幂模运算 11
2.1.5 乘法逆元 13
2.2 RSA中重要定理 15
2.2.1 费马定理 15
2.2.2 欧拉定理 16
2.2.3 欧几里德算法 19
第三章 MD5算法简介 24
3.1 MD5算法的发展史 24
3.2 MD5算法的应用 25
3.3 MD5 算法描述 26
3.3.1 MD5算法的步骤 26
3.3.2 MD5的压缩函数 33
3.4 MD5算法的安全 38
第四章 MD5算法在RSA算法中应用 39
4.1 RSA算法加密文件 39
4.1.1 加密过程 39
4.1.2 解密过程 40
4.2文件的信息摘要 43
4.3 MD5算法在RSA算法中的应用 44
4.4 补充说明 45
参考文献 47
致 谢 48
文献报告 53
关键词 :公开密钥系统,公钥,私钥,RSA密码系统,MD5信息摘要。
With the increasing popularity of electronic communications, data security is becoming a more and more important /issue. There are two main types of /cryptosystems. One is private-key cryptosystem, and the other is public-key /cryptosystem. The most famous and popular public-key cryptosystem is RSA scheme.RSA scheme is composed of large bit-length modular multiplication and modular exponentiation in /principle. Because of the high complexity of modular exponentiation, it is very difficult to factor it and obtain the private-key from the /public-key.
As the telecommunication network has grown explosively and the Internet has become increasingly popular, security over the network is the main concern for further services like electronic /commerce. The fundamental security requirements include confidentiality, authentication, data integrity, and /nonrepudiation. To provide such security services, most systems use public key /cryptography. Use RSA scheme and The MD5 message-digest algorithm together ,it makes sure data integrity in the tekecommunication /network.
Key Word :Public Key cryptography , Public Key , Private Key, RSA,MD5 /message-digest.