致 谢
目 录
中文摘要 i
致谢 iv
目录 vi
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 人脸识别技术研究的背景和意义 1
1.2 人脸识别技术简介 2
1.2.1 人脸识别的研究范围 2
1.2.2 主要的人脸识别技术 2
1.3 人脸识别系统的构成 4
1.4 论文內容概述 4
第二章 人脸位置矫正算法 5
2.1 人脸位置矫正问题的引入 5
2.2 算法的设计思路 6
2.3 算法的基本实现步骤 6
2.4 算法参数设计和算法基本实现步骤的清晰化 6
2.4.1 垂直方差投影 6
2.4.2 水平积分投影 7
2.4.3 图像块纵向复杂度 7
2.4.4 眼睛黑斑模型 7
2.5 基于眼睛定位的人脸位置矫正算法 8
2.5.1 灰度人脸区域(人眼搜索区域)的确定 8
2.5.2 人眼位置的确定 10 搜索复杂度最大的图像块 10 利用人眼黑斑模型精确定位人眼 11
2.5.3 依据人脸图像的轴对称性矫正人脸位置 12
2.6 算法实验结果分析 13
2.7 结论 14
第三章 人脸特征提取与识别算法 15
3.1 特征提取需遵循的原则 15
3.2 主元分析算法 15
3.3 人工神经网络简介及BP神经网络训练算法的数学描述 16
3.3.1 人工神经网络及其特性介绍 16
3.3.2 BP神经网络训练算法的数学描述 17
3.4 基于神经网络的主元分析人脸识别方法 19
3.4.1 利用非线性神经网络提取主元特征 20
3.4.2 特征数据的归一化和BP神经网络识别 2
3.5 算法实验结果及分析 22
3.6 总结 22
第四章 人脸识别系统结构 23
4.1 人脸识别系统的目标 23
4. 2 本文的人脸识别系统结构 23
第五章 总结与展望 24
5.1 本文完成的工作 24
5.2 目前系统存在的不足之处 24
5.3 目前系统改进计划和今后努力方向 24
参考文献 25
附录A 毕业设计期间发表论文 26
附录B 人脸识别系统(软件)使用说明书
摘 要
The Design and Implementation of Algorithms for Human Face Recognition
Student: Yangbo Gu Advisor: /Dr. Wenming Cao
Department of Computer Science and Technology
College of Information Engineering
Zhejiang University of Technology
The automatic recognition of human faces is a hot spot in the field of pattern recognition , which has a wide range of potential applications .
As the results of our in-depth research ,two algorithms are proposed : one for face pose adjustment , the other for facial feature extraction and face identification .
Face pose adjustment , as a loop of human face location, is very important in computer face /recognition. Chapter 2 of this thesis presents a new approach to automatic face pose adjustment on gray-scale static images with a single face . In a first stage , the right positions of eyes are precisely detected according to several designed parameters which well characterize the complex changes of the gray parameter in and around eyes and the geometrical shape of eyes . During the second stage , based on the location and the symmetry feature of eyes , the inclination angle is calculated and the face position is redressed . The experimentation shows that the algorithm performs very well both in terms of rate and of efficiency . What’s more , due to the precise location of eyes , the apples of the eyes are detected .
In chapter 3, a novel approach to human face image recognition based on principal component analysis and neural networks has been proposed . By using BP neural networks , human face images are successfully classified and recognized according to the output of BPNN whose input is the eigenvector extracted from the human face images via nonlinear principal component analysis of a single layer neural network . Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness and stability of the approach .
Face Pose Adjustment, Facial Feature Extraction , Human Face Recognition ,
Neural Networks , Gray-scale Static Image , Vertical-complexity of Image
Block, Principal Component Analysis