摘 要
Nowadays, computer network has become an indispensable part of people’s life. People obtain the information from the Internet or chat with friends online, even people out of a long distance can play a game together by the network.
This text mainly what to introduce is to carry out the simple network jumpchess procedure.This graduation design main what to complete is sketch interface within the network jumpchess and the interface design, can carry out the jumpchess game to draw in the chessboard, chess, the mouse keeps up the chess and falls down the chess, the definition of rule that play chess, the judgment of the win or loss, the network delivers and definition of command, sends out, and receive etc. Introduced the function and the usage of the development tool VC++ also.
Key Words: The network jumpchess, the sketch interface, interface, VC++
第1章 引言... - 3 -
1.1 题目背景... - 3 -
1.2 课题要求... - 3 -
1.2.1 跳棋元素的绘制和表示... - 3 -
1.2.2 鼠标执子和落子... - 3 -
1.2.3落子规则的定义和游戏胜负的判断... - 3 -
1.2.4网络传输的接口的定义... - 4 -
1.3 系统设计目标... - 4 -
1.4 采用工具简介... - 4 -
第2章 系统设计思想... - 5 -
2.1 跳棋游戏简介... - 5 -
2.2 跳棋程序设计概要... - 6 -
2.2.1各功能模块逻辑关系分析.. - 7 -
2.2.2棋盘和棋子的数据结构... - 7 -
2.2.3 鼠标对棋子操作的设计思想... - 7 -
2.2.4 关于接口的概要设计... - 8 -
第3章 程序功能模块详细设计及要点分析... 10
3.1 游戏界面模块... 10
3.1.1棋盘的详细设计... 10
3.1.2棋子的详细设计... 14
3.1.3鼠标操作响应的详细设计... 16
3.2 接口命令模块... 19
3.2.1 接口命令的详细定义... 19
3.2.2 接口命令的合成和解释... 20
3.2.3 接口命令的发送和接收... 21
3.3 规则模块... 22
3.3.1 规则分析... 22
3.3.2 规则的详细设计和具体实现... 22
3.4 胜负判断和得分统计模块的设计... 24
3.5 倒计时模块的设计... 24
3.6 悔棋模块的设计... 25
3.7 聊天模块的设计... 25
3.8 背景模块的设计... 25
第4章 程序中用到的主要技术和相关知识... 26
4.1 图形基础... 26
4.2 图标和光标的使用... 29
4.3 位图的操作... 31
4.3 计时器... 32
结 束 语... 1
参考文献... 2
致 谢... - 1 -
第1章 引言
1.1 题目背景