摘 要
With the developments of the farther reform in education and with the developments gradually pefect in course,the students master and comperhend each examination of each course must be standardization,systematization,science,intelligen
tize.There are two special superiorities in the teaching practice on the examination databases:The first shows in teaching management,main characteristies should use efficiently,economically,promptly and safely a examination database; The second shows educational measurestandard,main characterictics should use a examination that can create test paper with the high quantity,beforehand mastery and the equivalent compare.According to two characterictics the education introduces into the examination database.Usually the concept of the so-called examination database is “According to certainlly teaching measuring theories ,make use of the computer technique in the computer system realizing of a certain course gather”.It follows strictly the education measuring of the theories,and is the tools of the education measuring that based on the precise mathematics model.
Now there are the existent domestic and international education database systems,they have important effects to enhance teacher’s working quantity and accelerate the moderm teaching course .But there are some defects in the functions and performances.,particularly on the practicability and the network.Researching the existent problems of the examination database systems,developing the new intelligence and network of it in order to teachers students during the working and studying expeciently use the examination database,those need to solve the problems currently
This text summarizes the background,concepts,theories and techques of the examination database systems,compares with some existent ones each other,conbin-
ingthose illustrations to bing forwardm to the new characterictics for examination database system on intelligence,web,thereby achieves the intelligence network examination database system.
Now the system can make experimented use and its result is very reasonable and effective,according obtain the purposes of the anticipant study and practised,establish-
foundations for further studying the theories of the system developing a new examination database system.
Key words: examination database; examination database system; intelligent process of creating examination pater
目 录
第一章 试题库系统概述. 1
1.1 试题库的现状和发展趋势. 1
1.2 试题库的发展历史. 3
1.3 与试题库相关的定义. 4
1.4 试题库的分类. 5
1.5 试题库的评价标准. 8
1.6 小结. 8
第二章 Visual Basic 及其编程环境. 9
2.1 Visual Basic的特点. 9
2.2 启动和退出Visual Basic 11
2.3 Visual Basic其他窗口. 12
2.3.1 窗体设计器和工程资源管理器. 12
2.3.2 属性窗口和工具箱窗口. 13
第三章 试题库系统需求分析和总体设计. 15
3.1 试题库系统的需求分析. 15
3.2 系统功能设计. 17
3.3 数据库结构设计. 19
第四章 试题库系统基本结构和功能. 21
4.1 系统整体模块结构图. 21
4.2 各模块功能说明. 21
4.2.1 用户登录模块. 21
4.2.2 维护试题模块. 21
4.2.3 浏览试题模块. 22
4.2.4 自动出卷模块. 22
4.2.5 手工组卷模块. 23
4.3 试题的录入. 23
4.4 小结. 24
第五章 试题库维护模块. 25
5.1 维护主界面. 25
5.2 维护模块. 25
5.2.1 主要控件的代码. 27
5.3 浏览模块. 29
5.3.1 主要控件和代码. 30
5.4 小结. 31
结束语. 32
参考文献. 34
致 谢. 35
第一章 试题库系统概述